I see it’s been a while since I had time to sit down & update you with what’s been happening these last weeks..
Fact is, me & the mrs. went camping, hiking, biking & canoeing this summer and I must say the fresh country air, change of scenery & activity has done us both a world of good. I feel like I caught a second wind both in my radio making and stage events..
Since the new season started I’ve had a chance to perform with local (jazz) legends, The Ruud Bergamin Quartet in Rotterdam, brush off my variety skills to host two separate celeb birthday parties, as well as 2 SRO burlesque events in Amsterdam: “Victoria’s Secret Burlesque Birthday Bash”, for international audience favorite “‘Madame Romanova” & then for the legendary “Call Me Madam” Xaviera Hollander…and the SRO “Burlesque Freakout Party” held at the landmark venue, “De Nieuwe Anita, Amsterdam”.
Coming up is my 7th turn as official host/MC for the Amsterdam Independent Film Festival and pretty soon after that it will be Holiday Season. Something to look forward to, methinx.
And of course I am still hosting my weekly radio show, “Mister Philly’s Night Vibes” for VIB radio