I see it’s been a while since I had time to sit down & update you with what’s been happening these last weeks.. Fact is, me & the mrs. went camping, hiking, biking & canoeing this summer and I must say the fresh country air, change of scenery & activity has done us both a world of good. I feel […]
Dear Friends & Fans, Well, it has been an eventful start to this brand new year as I am once again on the local and internet airwaves hosting my weekly Night Vibes show for vibradio.nl Plus, as you can see from the promo poster, I’ve hooked up with local and international stars and will be gigging with them at Amsterdam’s […]
Dear Friends and Fans, As you all know, I took a year’s sabbatical from hosting radio shows for vibradio.nl in order to pursue some personal goals and fulfill some family obligations as well as just to chill and recharge. And I must say it did me ( and my wife!) a world of good. Among the highlights since posting last […]
Dear Friends & Fans Good to be back performing ” live” again for music lovers who come to listen. Have had a great time playing with top musicians, & recording artists at venues like Club Dauphine, Amsterdam. Please check my videos page to see and hear my latest. Hope to see you soon at a festival or world-class venue near […]
If you read my post from January you know that I moved on after 3 years of internet radio hosting and once again picked up where I left off before the plague came upon us back in 2019…performing “live” for music lovers & party goers. Lately I’ve been playing the big city with several gigs under my belt in Amsterdam, […]
Mister Philly will be ending his 3yr. run on VIB radio. My last 3hr “Night Vibes” edition (#95) will be airing on 17 Feb (2023) Reasons are varied and many but I promise it has nothing to do with health or bad show reviews..! It’s just time to take the skills & lessons learned curating, constructing & hosting weekly radio […]

Mister Philly is Back in Town
At the moment Mister Philly is available for bookings in the Benelux. Mister Philly’s Holiday Promo Available for bookings as MC, Entertainer, Voice Actor, Stage & Studio Vocalist Klick here to Book Mister Philly NOW for Your event.

Yes, I’m that DJ you heard on VIB Radio , probably thru our live internet stream or on one of the several popular music streaming apps like TuneIn that we are listed on…or your new car stereo scanner picked us up on DAB+ Or perhaps you caught some of the VIB Radio & Mister Philly promo’s on social media… Yes, […]